One interesting pool fact you might not be aware of is that we recently ‘adopted’ Tynemouth Front Street’s red telephone box as part of BT’s ‘Adopt a Kiosk’ scheme which puts the UK’s iconic red boxes to better use in the community.
And the big question we’ve been wrestling with is what on earth we should do with it… until now.
That’s because a group of first year Design students from Tyne Met college in North Shields have offered to help transform our phone box as part of a Design and Communication element of their graphics course. Their designs will help raise awareness of our campaign to restore the pool – as well as providing an eye catching reminder of what the pool was like in its hey day, while promoting the benefits of outdoor swimming, too.
We’ve also applied for planning permission from the council to install a notice board on the back of the phone box to keep the local community updated on the campaign and explain how everyone can get involved.
Keep your eye on the box for more info!
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