Why is a new Tynemouth Outdoor Pool such a brilliant idea? Reason #2…

June 29, 2023

As the 4th July approaches, we’re looking forward to hearing the outcome of our planning application at the meeting on that date.

But have you asked your local councillor whether they’ll support the project yet? The easiest way to do that is by using https://www.writetothem.com to drop them a line – and it only takes a minute.

While you do that, here’s another reason why we think rebuilding Tynemouth Outdoor Pool is a brilliant idea… safety!

Not only is the site a HUGE eyesore right now, it’s incredibly unsafe thanks to those rocks that were unceremoniously dumped in there. And let’s also not forget that a new pool would offer a completely safe outdoor swimming environment all year round – especially when the sea itself isn’t behaving.

What do you think? Is safety a priority for you?